In moments of global upheaval, what compass guides us through both the familiar and the unfamiliar? How do we navigate these wild and stressful times, and what have we learned from the shared experiences of uncertainty?

Signs direct us, saving us time and sanity by guiding us to where we want to go, where we need to go, and even where we should go. Growing up in the wilds of New Mexico taught me to “read signs,” a skill that extends beyond survival. This art of seeing the bigger picture, el gran diseño, resonates today as we face new complexities. Potent life lessons remain available for me, and perhaps for you, too, echoing the constancy of past uncertainties.

What seems different now is that nearly everyone on the planet has seen the same signposts. Yet, it remains our personal journey to interpret and respond. Over the years, many have hoped for a collective experience that would unite us. How’s that idea unfolding for you? Do you feel more connected? Rest assured, your microcosmic experience reflects broader patterns if you look closely.

Let’s explore this shared yet personal narrative further. During COVID-19, skepticism surrounded the information available, driving wedges between friends and strangers alike. While I may never see the complete picture, curiosity keeps me attentive.

So, how now must we live?

Ancient texts from wisdom cultures provide solace from today’s noise. Have you already explored this approach? For example, philosopher and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote in Meditations: “The things you think about determine the quality of your mind… Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts.”

Our mind, a source of creativity and judgment, holds tremendous power but can also become a battleground of inner conflicts. Protecting ourselves from these mental wars involves perception—the lens through which we view our challenges. Aurelius advises not to blame external factors for our unhappiness:

“External things are not the problem. It’s your assessment of them, which you can erase right now. If the problem is something in your own character, who’s stopping you from setting your mind straight…?”

“Embracing the obstacles, too.” How very Zen!

May I suggest writing out your feelings? It can uncover unresolved emotions and insights. These days, I find solace in silent meditation, exploring ancient philosophies, and writing for self-discovery. Writing helps clarify emotions and intentions, guiding us to live more comfortably within our world.

Are you using this unprecedented learning experience to its fullest? Or are you “staying in out of the rain”? Please share your journey with me. I’m ready to listen! You can write to me at