The "Don't know what to write about" FunFix

inspiration pleasure-magnet Aug 12, 2024

Do you want to write something but don’t know how to start? Here's an Experiential FunFix.

Choose a Story Stem below, imagine what happens next, and write it down. This is an easy and fulfilling way to get into the writing flow. Try one each morning for a week.

Let me know how it goes!


Story Stem 1:

Dr. Landis is returning home after an all-nighter in freezing temperatures. She had spent the night peering into her field microscope, running blood tests, and tending to a neighbor’s dairy herd. The cows were dying of an unknown disease, one by one.

Through the open farmhouse door, she trod upon a crazy parade of muddy raccoon footprints. Who let the raccoons in?

“Hey, guys. Guys?” she calls out to her family. They probably can’t hear me, she thinks, because the TV is blasting an obnoxious News Alert Jingle. “My kids, watching the news?”

The back of her neck prickles. Alarm surges through her as she realizes it is early morning on a school day. Her family should be here, but they are not.

The phone rings...


Story Stem 2:

His focus was the first to go. He lay on the floor in the fading light, trying to memorize his last view of the room.

He took a deep breath, savoring the fragrance of lemon oil rubbed daily into the Chippendale sideboard. A single photograph in a silver frame reflects itself in the darkly glowing wood.

What is the farthest thing he could see, he wondered. The ceiling fan on the softest setting turned slowly enough that he could see each blade. A shadow in the doorway...


Story Stem 3:

Ella had always feared the dark corners of her grandmother’s attic. Today, curiosity got the better of her. She climbed the creaky stairs, flashlight in hand. Boxes filled with old clothes and forgotten toys piled up high. She aimed her light at an old trunk in the far corner, took a deep breath, and opened the lid, revealing...


Story Stem 4:

The town of Greywater had always seemed like a quiet, uneventful place. But everything changed when Lily found an old journal hidden behind a loose brick in her basement wall. The journal detailed strange occurrences that had taken place years ago, including...


Story Stem 5:

Evening shadows stretched across the landscape as Jake parked his car by the empty field. He had heard rumors about the strange lights that appeared here but never believed them. As he sat in his car, staring out into the darkness, a soft glow emerged from...


Story Stem 6:

Miranda had spent her whole life dreaming of adventure beyond her small island. On her 18th birthday, she received a mysterious letter with a map. The map led to an ancient tree in the forest, known to grant wishes to those brave enough to find it. With the map in hand, she set off on her journey and...


Story Stem 7:

David had always been fascinated by the old library on Elm Street. Most people avoided it, claiming it was haunted. One rainy afternoon, driven by an insatiable curiosity, he decided to explore it. As he pushed open the heavy wooden door, it creaked loudly, echoing through the empty hallway.

Shelves lined with dusty, ancient books stretched as far as he could see. Suddenly, a book flew off the shelf and landed at his feet, opening to a page with a strange symbol. He bent down to pick it up and...

How did it go? Do you still feel reluctant, shy, or stuck? Come write with us! Inquire at [email protected]