So you want to write a book, know this:
It is the book your Soul has been calling you to write.
What you must do to save time, treasure, and energy before you start writing.
What to do next.
Delve into your Desire
What is your Heart-Centered Genre?
- Passion-Based Business
- Memoir-Hybrid
- Non-fiction (Your Expertise)
- Health/Fitness/Lifestyle
- Self-help Revelations
- Cookbook-Memoir
- Poetry
Pick My Brain for Free after you take the quiz!
What do you say?
Do you want to let another decade pass you by?
Take the quiz and schedule a session with me to uncover the book you’re meant to write—one your future readers are already searching for.
I offer a way to break through whatever holds you back, providing you with the support and guidance you need to confidently embark on your writing journey.
It’s called The Author’s Way.
Let’s uncover the best book for you to write now!
Decide to Partner with Your Best Coach
I’m Judy McNutt, Your Holistic Writing Coach.
I help passionate people unleash their soul-wired books, blogs, and creative expression for readers who need them. First, I’d like to share something personal so you can feel what I am passionate about and why.
Throughout my life, I secretly longed to write a book. Then, in my final decade as a teacher, that longing decayed into an unrequited soul ache. I wanted to bring something into the world but still needed to figure out where to start. I kept waiting for permission to do it, but no one said, “Go.” I was plagued with doubts and a nag in my head that wouldn’t quit:
What kind of book should I write?
Who would want to read it?
Am I being selfish for wanting to write this while others need my time and attention?
Who am I to try writing a whole book?
Where do I start?
How can I fit who I am, what I know, and what I did to get here into one book?
My own actions kept me stuck:
- Organizing and re-organizing my writing room,
- Buying endless courses and pretty planners,
- Scrimping and saving and waiting to buy a Mac.
- Resistance and not deciding what to write insulated me from failure.
- I felt at war with myself.
Then, I met a few other wise women who, despite their uncertainties, decided to just start creating the lives they wanted to live. Their courage inspired me.
I decided to create and publish my first book of poetry and original art. And within a year, I held that book, a tangible symbol of my desire and a testament to my determination, in my hands.
Today, after a decade of working with creative women and entrepreneurs, I’ve developed a 100% customized soul-centered book-building process designed to take you from
soul gifts
to ideas
to concepts,
to process support,
to a completed manuscript or whatever your soul calls you to create!
Find out how you can streamline the process of writing and publishing your book here!
Yes, Your Book is Already Done—It Just Needs to Emerge!
Take the quiz to ignite the inspiration for the book your future readers long to read.
“Judy always gets me going. She over-delivers every time. Taking her quiz helped me DECIDE to write my book!”
Colleen McCann
Author of Sensitive to Badass: An Empath’s Guide to a Magic-Filled Life
Affordable Offers

Group Coaching
Join a small group of forthcoming authors and save money on my entire book-build plan:
- Prep, write, and complete your publishing package.
- Experience camaraderie in a supportive online atmosphere.

VIP Coaching
Want VIP Private Client support and complete confidentiality?
Prep, write, and complete your publishing package with private, personalized mentoring.
Explore More – Free Resources
A non-scary Inflation Survival Guide
With so many scares and atrocities worldwide, sensitive souls are suffering all the more. I invite you to use and share my Whole-Life Guide with your clients, friends, and family so they can take steps to prep for the weeks or months ahead. JUDY'S WHOLE-LIFE GUIDE–...
Peep a Private Writing Group
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So You Need to Write a Book
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