You don’t have to be a “writer” to author your transformational book and have it ready to go to the publisher! 

You’ll receive the keys to Authorship step-by-personally mentored step.

Authorship without the:




You will know: 


What You Write


How You Write It


And WHY you write

Because this is your way –
The Author’s Way!

If you are a transformational coach, healer, or freelancer:

You've embodied your superpowers; Now it's your time to shine!

IMAGINE "Write my book!" check-marked "DONE!"

Scale your business with a book in hand!

Your book brands you as The Expert for interviews and guest speaking.

FACT: With your book completed, you’ll soon have an inbox full of love notes from adoring fans and invitations to do Interviews and Podcasts!


(surprise extras)

EXTRA BENEFIT: The Blueprint for your book is constantly updated. So as long as you are a member, you will receive free updates.

Take advantage of my messaging expertise and ability to help you sound like you but better.  I don’t charge extra for this work. I thrive on it!

Watch the short video below then I’ll give you some processing time with a sneak peek think-and-seek FAQ.

“I’m sure the video is lovely, but PLEASE just give me the link to enroll!”

Energy Healer and Author, Colleen McCann “Six reasons I’m writing my book with Judy. One is, she never fails me.”


I understand. Me too!


WORKING TOGETHER, we clear the way and connect with the reader.

You begin to SEE your book and feel what it will do. With that clarity, we’ll take the steps needed to create the vision and message for a wider audience. They will carry your message and the work into the world from there. Thrilling but…

(why is there always a “but?”)


I have a busy life. How will Judy help me see my book to completion in my desired time frame?

If failure is not an option and you are willing to do whatever it takes, I provide a proven, effective structure, partner with you to bridge the gaps, and solve all the burning questions you have that threaten the completion of your goal.

I’ve designed a two-level book-build plan for you:

PART ONE-The Prep and Publishing Package Sessions. You’ll follow the Blueprint with weekly support from me. Once the Publishing Package Prep is complete, we have some fun writing, creating chapter titles, roughing out descriptions, writing stories to spice up your content, etc.

PART TWO- Your support continues as you go back and forth between manuscript and Publishing Package Creation. In the last month or so, we invite a few trusted Avatars (NOT “friends and family!) clients or ideal readers, ONLY, to read some or all of your book and answer a few questions.

How will you address my need for flexible scheduling?

I provide 90-Minute  Mentoring sessions each month on days that work best for you. We work together, in real-time, to answer questions and support the work you did over the week prior.

Specifically, what will I get?

Your entire Book-Build Blueprint is yours from day one. The Blueprint is a comprehensive, creative physical structure for writing any book:

  • We’ll develop a dossier i.e. word portraits of your target reader,
  • a project management plan to build out all the details you will need for your publishing package,
  • a plan to keep you on track,
    and finally, a customized logistical architecture for writing your book.


Along the way, we’ll shape the theme (or “The Story”), so you will create the book you intend to create instead of re-working the manuscript to fit the criteria you WISH you followed!

What are some ways I can receive additional feedback and guidance?

As a VIP StarClient, you will receive periodic invitations to read and receive feedback on pieces of your book from my joyous book-writing group.

What if I need additional FOCUS and SUPPORT on my manuscript?

You may schedule One Additional VIP Master Session during the Retainer Period at no extra charge (save $1200.00)

And hey! I’ll show you the actual Book-Build Blueprint and answer ALL of your questions!

Schedule a day and time: